5 Abbreviations used: FRET MLB jerseys techniques, fluorescence resonance energy transfer; EL398, D398A kallar mutant; EL315, E315C kallar mutant; ES98C, GroES mutation of a single cysteine added to the C terminal; EL315/398, E315C / D398AGroELmutant; SR1/315 / 398, single-lap E315C/D398A kallar mutation, malic acid, malic acid dehydrogenase; dMDH, denatured malic acid, Tuen Mun Highway, tetramethylrhodamine; wtES, MLB jerseys wild-type GroES; wtEL, wild-type kallar; BeFx, beryllium fluoride; bovine serum albumin, bovine serum albumin; high-performance liquid chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography; AMP Progressive Party,
5 '- adenosine-β, γ-imidodiphosphate, digital terrestrial television, threitol.
↵ * This work by a grant from the Mitsubishi Foundation (to TF) and Grant-in-aid scientific research (1) 17,201,031 (to TF) from the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. The release of this article the fees paid in part by page fees. This article must therefore be marked "advertisement" in accordance World Cup jerseys with 18 USC section 1734 indicate this fact.
↵ on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) contains additional text and 5 Supplementary Figures.
↵ ♦ This article was selected last week's paper.
↵ 1 from the Japan Society scholarship recipient of Young Scientists (18.10141) to promote science.
↵ 2 Present address: Biological resources and Cheap jerseys functions, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba Central, 61-1-1 East, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-8566, Japan Research Institute.
↵ 3 Current address: RIKEN (Physical and Chemical Research Institute) ,2-1 Hirosawa, Wako City, Saitama 351-0198, Japan.
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