
24 Jan 11 Downing The Aggies, OSUs Gundy Wins His 40th; He's 40, That's Right: 40

G. Newman Lowrance/Getty ImagesSATIRE; A last second field goal wins for Mike Gundy and his OSU Cowboys. This is his 40th career victory.Significant number - 40? You bet it is. Just ask Daily Oklahoman reporter Jenni Carlson. She remembers being told Mike Gundy was 40 year's old and that he Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
was a MAN! Who told her that? Mike himself, during a press conference in September of 2007, when he was videoed which soon became an internet viral event: "I'm a man! I'm 40!" You know who else was 40? Forrest Gump.You know what Forrest Gump wanted to be? A football coach.You know the name of Forrest Gump's girlfriend? Jenni.Let's pretend the locker room scene wasn't between Gundy and Jenni, but rather, Gump and Jenni.Here's how it might have gone down: Gump and Jenni Jenni, I may not be a smart man but I know what love is. But I saw your quarterback eating chicken. Chicken? Jenni?! Are you sure it was chicken and not shrimp? We feed all our players Bubba Gump Shrimp. Jenni, do you how many ways you can prepare shrimp? No, his mother was feeding him chicken from a box. Jenni, my mother always said a football team is like a box of chocolates. Is it because some of your players are nuts? No, Jenni, itbecause most of them are black. You yelled at me the other day. I know, Jenni. I yelled because I was telling you about the garbage. Garbage? Yes, I heard you say GARBAGE! Well, they hadnpicked it up, Jenni. They hadnpicked it up. But you embarrassed me in front of my co-workers. Jenni, if there is garbage, you need know about it. I swear, Gump, sometimes you act just like a little kid. Jenni! You know better. Im a man. Are you doing this again? Jenni! Im a man. Im forty. So youre going out with the other coaches? What if you donget a ride home? You can come after me. Im a man. You are yelling again, Gump. You know how that makes me feel. Itoffensive. When you yell, it the worldgreatest offense. So will you stop yelling? Jenni, I donhave to. But, at least you can tell me why you are yelling. Jenni. Jenni, I donhave to. But I need to know whatwrong, what you think is wrong. Jenni, I donhave to. Im a man. Im forty. Gump, do I need Lt. Dan to kick your butt? Jenni!! You know Dan cankick. He got no legs and you should Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
know somebody from Danfamily had fought and died in every single American war. He had a lot to live up to. Well, I still donlike you yelling at me yelling at me in front of my peers. I had to tell you bout the garbage. It was GARBAGE, Jenni. And I suppose you are going to say youre a man again. Jenni? You know if I see garbage, it almost makes me puke. Oh. Gump. You know I canstay mad at you. Oh. Jenni.

