
Top 10 Global Political Forums

1) Whistlestopper.com: Whistlestopper.com is a political discussion forum for the civil discussion of U.S. and International news and politics. Current hot topics include President George Bush, John Kerry, Dick Cheney, Iraq, etc.
2) Politicalforum.com: PoliticalForum.com functions as a public forum website open to all individuals of all political persuasions that are centered on the discussion of politics in general. All walks of life are welcome to join the discussions in the tradition of vigorous respectful debate. The purpose of nfl jersey rules and guidelines for the forum is to help create an environment that is inviting to as wide a spectrum of people as possible from all parts of the world, but that does not restrict the ability of users to express their political views, even if those views are inflammatory or unorthodox. In a world often filled with intense political turmoil and polarization of beliefs, PoliticalForum.com attempts to bring opposites together to relate their views and learn from one another.
3) Politicalfray.com: Political Fray is a political forum open to all people from around the world. Come and join the growing community as you discuss politics, economics, and society.
4) Forumsglobe.com: Forumsglobe.com is the result of our attempt to bring the people together around the world. Forumsglobe.com houses 300+ million forums under one roof, giving the entire world an opportunity to express their views, share their thoughts or concerns or seek opinions from other people. Forums are organized by location & categories, serving over a million cities around the world across 250 popular categories.
5) Hipforums.com: The Hip Forums consists ofnfl jersey more than 500 individual Free Speech forums. Introduce and discover what's happening on the site by viewing Announcements. Debate the latest news in News and Issues, and then do something about it with Activism.
6) Debatepolitics.com: Debatepolitics.com non-biased political debate forum for discussing hot topics in the US and International community. Topics include abortion, war on terror, and freedom of speech, education, and bias in the media.
7) Politicsforum.org: Politics Forum is to provide a well moderated forum that is conducive to intelligent and informed discussion of politically important issues. The Politics Forum is not a "free speech" forum where anything goes. It is intended as a forum environment where users must at least show a minimum degree of respect for each other irrespective of political differences.
8) Houseofpolitics.com: House of Politics! a political forum dedicated to bring the latest political news! Join the politics forum! Talk politics with other fellow citizens! Help them and bring the Public's passion back to politics!
9) Conflictingviews.com: Conflicting Views Political Forums, a political debate and discussion forum for nfl jerseys members to discuss their views and opinions with other members around the world!
10) Arguewitheveryone.com: Arguewitheveryone.com is an open, free speech zone where you can debate topics ranging from the Iraq war to health care to gun control, and talk with other people about anything you want.

